We both agreed that there is nothing SPeCTacuLaR with tis IKEA as compared to e existing one, except tt it is more spacious n colder.. haha..... we managed to get a seat on our way der, but on our way back, e shuttle bus queue was LOOONNNNGGGG, n we had to stand... e bus was packed... cos if u were to miss it, it means half an hour waiting time, so it is better to squeeze n get up onto e bus....
We went to Tampines Square to shop ard, nothing much to buy... only bought a BROWN nail polish which i have been looking for years.. oh ya, had dinner at Long John, n i saw Huijun der!!! never expect to bump into ppl der cos it is in e east!!! haha..
On our way back home, we tried to take photos on e train.. but somehow, most of them turn out to be UGLY, n we deleted most of them... hee.... one of the leftovers.....