after dinner, we went shopping. visited only 2 shops, Diva n Pull n Bear. our first stop was Diva, was inside e shop for more than 15mins i tink, happily tryin e necklaces. i tink e staff kept looking at us. but luckily grace n ping both bought something. so not tt bad. hehe.
then we went to Pull n Bear cos ping was tellin us tt there's a tube tt cost only $9.90! i didnt noe tt clothes der r priced so low, as in cheaper than those at topshop n zara. so in e end, i bought a tank top n a tube, both $9.90, ping bought a tube n grace bought a tube n skinny pants! btw, 3 of us bought e same tube, electric blue, haha, cos it is e IN colour. thou we onli visited 2 shops, e damage is high liao.