We had breakfast at Cafe De Coral - Da Jia Le... This dining place can be seen at many places..we had wanted to try it since day 1... but no chance...
The breakfast menu looks good and it's quite cheap too!! but i cannot rem the price liao...
So this is what we ordered...

After breakfast, we set off to visit the Giant Buddha....... Went to Tung Chung to take the cable car... The cable car ride itself was near to 30mins... It's amazing how they managed to construct the cable car across the mountains....

As we approached the Giant Buddha...
First, the view from the cable car....

As we walked to the temple...

Closer and closer..

Almost.... But still a long flight of stairs... Faint...


Actually our aim of visiting this place, is to have a vegetarian meal... not so much of our aim, but more of mama and jie's aim... hahah.. me n daddy, not too interested....
the meal cost hk60 per person... n its a 5 course meal...

Quite tasty... but the serving is too big!!!
After eating, we make our way back to Tung Chung. And shopped at Tung Chung Factory Outlet... not much to buy, so we make our way back to shop at TST...
This is the place that me & jie bought alot of things!!! I think Granville Road is a nice place to shop! hee... Things are pretty and affordable... But i guess it's not a good idea to bring our parents ard to shop... To us, it's never enough.. but to them... we are buying alot!!! and i can tell they are really tired of walking... hahaha....
Had our dinner at Sweet Dynasty.... One of the MUST try in Hong Kong!!!

We walked alot today... After eating... we walked to Sogo to buy wife biscuits... then continue walkin to Avenue of Stars...
too tired to take more photos... so just a few.... to capture the scenic view and to show tt we've been there before.... =)