We set off to the airport at around 4am for our 640am JetStar flight to Hong Kong....
Had our early breakfast at the airport, as there is no food provided for our budget airline...
Finally board the plane... and this is the beautiful morning sunrise taken from the plane....

We arrived at Hong Kong International Airport at 1030am, from there we bought the Octopus card which is like our ez-link card, and we took CityBus A21 which cost only 33 hkd and stops just outside our hotel..
Went to check-in and deposit our luggage at the hotel, but our rooms are not ready yet, as the check-in time is supposed to be at 2pm while we reach at 1230pm... so we went to look for food...
Our first meal in HongKong was settled at Ma Wen Ji... The whole cafe was packed with people and everyone is eating Macaroni... So we ordered that too!! It's a cafe where you cannot take your own sweet time to eat.

We walked around and went back to our hotel - Prudential Hotel after 2pm... and tada.... this is our very cosy and beautiful rooms for our 5d4n stay.... the hotel cost SGD 1051.76 for 2 rooms, 4 nights.... and we even got a connected room.
and the good thing is, it is located just above Jordan MTR station, so it is really a very convenient hotel... highly recommended....
We went shopping at Central and at around evening time, we moved on to the Peak + Madame Tussads... We bought the 2-way tram + Madame Tussads ticket at 150 hkd.... The queue for the tram was LONG....
At first we thought we can see the day time hk view + night time hk view from the peak.. but bcos of the long queue, by the time we got onto the peak.. it's already dark.... so there is no need to rush to see the day time view...thus we had our dinner first....
After eating.... we went to have a look at the scenery then followed by Madame Tussads...
Lots of pictures taken.....
We saw this very colourful and cute piggy outside of the museum... i duno the name....
Last of all... to end off with our day, we had to join the long long tram queue again....